
Mostrando 1–12 de 184 resultados

  • BR-5106

    Valorado en 0 de 5


    Broccoli Winter
    Variety of excellent health, adapted to cultivation both for fresh and INDUSTRY. Vigorous plant of dark color. Compact head and very defined florets, making it ideal for industry. Very conical shape and fine grain. Few re-sprouts of good quality. Weight around 750-900 g. It is recommended for transplants from August to January with good results in the middle of Winter.

  • BR-5338

    Valorado en 0 de 5


    Broccoli Spring
    Recommended for SPRING transplant and high areas in Summer. It is noted for its good performance in heat conditions, with a compact plant, medium green color and rounded structure. The head is round, well formed and of medium grain. Absence of internal leaves. These features make it very indicated for this time.

  • CU-5312

    Valorado en 0 de 5


    Cucumber Slicer
    Variety adapted to diverse growing conditions. Cylindrical fruits, 22 cm long and 5-6 cm. in diameter. Dark green color marking a faint yellow star at the apex. It has a few white spines. Vigorous plant that adapts to both ground and crop trellising.

  • CU-5344

    Valorado en 0 de 5


    Cucumber Dutch
    EARLY CYCLE. It is recommended for sowing in July (early Autumn) and February (early Spring). It is noted for its fruit quality throughout the production. The plant has intermediate vigor, short internodes and 1-2 fruits per node.
    The fruits have a stable length during the whole cycle, straight and attractive dark green color. Resistances to CVYV and CYSDV.

  • CU-5346

    Valorado en 0 de 5


    Cucumber Dutch
    INTERMEDIATE CYCLE. Variety with excellent vigor and high yield. It is recommended for intermediate cycle. It has dark green leaves, nice open plant habit, well balanced and with many re-sprouts which give a long production cycle. It has 1-2 fruits per internode, dark green color. It is noted for its ribbed which maintains well in cold times. Resistances to CVYV.

  • CU-5506

    Valorado en 0 de 5


    Cucumber Beit Winter
    Beit alpha variety with one fruit per node for WINTER cultivation and good results also in summer. Very vigorous plant, dark and healthy. Long fruits of 19,5 cm long and medium green color. Very high production.

  • CU-5534

    Valorado en 0 de 5


    Cucumber Dutch
    LATE CYCLE. It is recommend for sowing in mid September and all of October. Vigorous plant and very well balanced, short internodes and very productive. High fruit quality, fruit length of 30-32 cm, very well ribbed, dark and bright color. It re-sprouts easily and maintains sizes during the whole cycle with very good final yields.

  • CU-5720

    Valorado en 0 de 5


    Cucumber Slicer
    Slicer cucumber variety, very dark color and PARTHENOCARPIC, size of 21×4.4 cm and average weight of 240 g.

  • CU-5772

    Valorado en 0 de 5


    Cucumber Pickling
    Parthenocarpic Gherkin cucumber that provides a very dark fruit, without just yellow star, of great length and generous amount of thorns of its just size. Extraordinary production and uniformity throughout the whole cycle, with good results in all sowing dates. Vigorous and balanced plant with dark leaves and extraordinary health.

  • CU-5912

    Valorado en 0 de 5


    Cucumber Pickling
    Parthenocarpic Gherkin cucumbe variety with the typical yellow star at the base. It stands out from the rest for being a more elongated fruit, of  GRANADA type. Very vigorous and dark plant that provides very good production, very early and uniform with 1-2 fruits per node. It has abundant well-marked spines.

  • EG-3202

    Valorado en 0 de 5


    Eggplant Long
    Variety of LONG fruit. Its length is 22-25 cm and 4-5 cm diameter. Average weight between 220-240 g. The plant has straight structure and medium vigor with dark green coloration and adapted to difficult conditions. The production is early and very high. It has spines.

  • EG-4804

    Valorado en 0 de 5


    Eggplant Round
    Hybrid of low bearing. Fruit of oval shape, round, bright dark violet color, which can exceed 300 g in weight. It is a very early variety for greenhouse, tunnel and outdoor crops. It has spines and somehow lobed fruits.
